
This game is similar to traditional solitaire in that all the cards must be arranged hierarchically to win.


A full deck of Pokerdrez cards will be used.

After shuffling the 56 cards, they will be placed face up on the table in 9 columns.

In each column, there will therefore be 6 cards (7 in the first two) overlapped so that the ones below can always be easily identified.

We will denote as the first card of a column the one that is positioned directly on the table while the last one will be the one that is supported on all the others.

Respecting the hierarchy of the cards: Joker, Queen, Tower, Bishop, Knight and Pawn, the last cards of a column can be moved to another as long as the cards that are moved are already ordered (not necessarily of the same color) and that the destination card is immediately higher in rank.

In this way, for example, the last two cards of a column, bishop and knight, can be moved to another column where the last card is a tower.

The two neutral cards will be used as wild cards. This means that they can fulfill the role of any other card in the order of cards when moving them from one column to another.

In this way, a neutral card, as a single card, can almost always be moved from one column to another, except when the last card of the destination column is a pawn because there is no card with a hierarchy lower than the pawn.

To move several cards at once, among which is a neutral card, it must be taken into account that it always replaces a particular card and therefore plays that role. This implies that when the first card of a set that you want to move is a neutral card, it can only be done if the last card of the column to which it is going to move is immediately higher than the one represented by the neutral card.

For example, if we want to move the last three cards of a column that are neutral card, bishop and knight, it will be because the neutral card is playing the role of a tower, therefore they can only be moved to a column where the last card is a queen (or the other neutral card that would then be playing the role of queen)

Once a column is empty, any joker or a set of ordered cards that have a joker as their base can be moved there.

When in a column there is only a complete series, ordered from the joker to the pawn and no other card (not even the neutrals), it can be removed and placed face down out of the game.

The game will end when all the cards have been removed. The two neutral cards will finally be removed when only they remain on the table.

The image below represents a blocking situation in which the player has lost because he cannot remove the last remaining cards.

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